You will probably have heard some of Tom's compositions even if you've not yet seen him live, "The Last Shanty" (A Sailor Ain't A Sailor), ''Sailor's Prayer' (Send Down A Dove), "Legend" (Marching Inland) and many of his other songs of the sea have pretty much become folk standards!

If you know him, you'll be aware his powerful voice and captivating live performance is not to be missed.
Lewis was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland and grew up in Gloucester, England. He served in the Royal Navy from 1959 until 1983, mostly in the (diesel) Submarine Service.
He developed his interest in sea shanties while frequenting the Howff Folk Song Club of Dunfermline, Scotland, in the 1960s, and began to perform at clubs and festivals in his off-time. On completing his naval service, he emigrated to Canada, "to be somewhere completely different to a large port city". In 1987, he began to record, and to tour due to popular demand.
"A consistently strong set that packs a wallop. Fine stuff with real bite."
Living Tradition Magazine UK